We developed a web based attendance application, that comes as both a free (lite) and paid (Professional/Ultimate) versions. The free version offers the basic features you would expect from such an application, but the Pro / Ultimate versions have additional features that may persuade you to buy a license:
- Marking of special roles, like emergency response officer or key holder;
- The option to manually change the presence of people;
- Zoom in on photos;
- Produce a PDF or CSV attendance report;
- Use your own company logo in the left hand corner;
- Option for an automated nightly clear (including support for an 'overtime reader' to delay this moment);
- Set an output when no one is present (empty building, switch on alarm);
- Classic view (tiles like in the Windows version);
- Screen blanking (privacy);
- Multiple building configuration;
- Alarm integration;
- Branding with your own logo and company name;
- Markings for visualizing key holders for example;
- Visitor functionality (in two forms; for reception desk and visitors themselves);
- Pop-ups of arrivals and/or departures;
- And more to come...
IOS 15 problem? See page 14 of the IntoAccessWebServer manual!
- Installation file (fully functional test version)
- Installation file (zip file, for recent Windows Server versions)
- Online demo
- License types
- Manual
- Price overview
Since v1.42.0, Internet Explorer (11) is no longer supported.
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